Depensatory predation may cause catastrophic changes in herring populations (submitted)

Published in TBD, 2020

Recommended citation: Christensen V, Oldford G, Licandeo R, Walters CW (2020). "Depensatory mortality in British Columbia herring populations due to predation by Steller sea lions" PNAS. (submitted)

We showed that including depensatory predation rates caused a fundamental change in the fish population dynamics compared with the traditional approach of ignoring predation scenarios in stock assessments. Increases in pinniped abundance following a history of heavy exploitation make it progressively more difficult to avoid fish stock collapses, and there is evidence of similar impacts for a variety of small pelagic and demersal stocks around the world. article link coming soon

Recommended citation: ‘Walters, CW, Oldford, G , Licandeo, R, Christensen, V (2020). "Depensatory mortality in British Columbia herring populations due to predation by Steller sea lions" PNAS. . (submitted)